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MTF/Grrrls ....  Index
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TransGender Care

TransGenderCare contains a large archive of health information that we have written and compiled from our years of directly providing medical, psychological, electrology, and general health services to our transgender community

Transgender Support Site

Here you will find a lot of information

Transsexual Road Map

Transsexual Road Map is a travel guide to set priorities and choose your route. It's about making informed purchasing decisions and setting realistic, achievable transition goals.

Georgina Beyer - Transsexual Parliamentarian

Georgina Beyer from New Zealand is the first transsexual in the world to be elected as a Mayor and the first transsexual in the world to be elected to Parliament.

International Transgender Sisterhood

"Gender" is the nonsexual side of sex. As someone once expressed it: Gender is located above, and sex below the belt.

Transgender Resources

I fully intend to discuss my transgenderism here - you can approve or disapprove, like me or not like me, I likely would feel the same towards you if that is the case. I might get my feelings hurt, but I won't be silent, I won't acquiesce, I won't g

Amanda Lear

Amanda was born in 1946 in Hong Kong from an English/French father who served for the French army in Indochina and an Asian/Russian mother, Amanda was raised in the South of France and in Switzerland. Amanda's SRS in the early 1960's was performed at

How to develope a female voice

Nothing gets you read faster than a voice that doesn't match your appearance. Many gender folk dress up and look like goddesses... until they open their mouths. Suddenly, in spite of the grace and curves, they turn into ...

For your eyes only

One of the "James Bond Women" was a transsexual, and it was only discovered after the film was finished. Roger Moore was rather "miffed" to find that he had shot all those heavy love scenes with someone who had started out with the same equipment he

Anne's Metamorphosis

After a struggle that lasted more than 50 years, Anne Kuipers escaped her male body and became what she always wanted to be, a woman. The website is the online companion to Anne Jayne Kuipers' book by the same name.

Tina Top Rated Bookmark 

Christina shares on this prive website her story and experience as a transsexual.

Natasha's world Top Rated Bookmark 

Natasha's site - a transgendered person from Johannesburg. Find out more about her, her interests, her favourite books and websites.

Transsexual Woman's Resources

This web site is designed to empower transsexual women by providing factual information, informed opinion, and personal narrative. I hope these resources will help transsexual women make decisions that will best serve their individual needs.

Crossdressers and Transvestites  Index
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Do you know a crossdresser? Top Rated Bookmark 

What Crossdressers Are Not: While the vast majority of crossdressers are ordinary heterosexual men with an additional feminine dimension, they are stereotyped by society based on a highly visible minority who crossdress for entirely different reasons.

Transformation Top Rated Bookmark 

Welcome to Transvestite Transformation, the world's leading transvestite, transgender and transsexual specialists, transforming men into beautiful women. If you are TV, TS or Crossdresser, my staff and I are here to provide, totally confidentially, for your every need and desire so why not make contact soon and we will turn your feminine fantasy into a reality.

Wig Beauty

You have come to the right place for Instant Hair Beauty. Now with a wig you can have that wonderful feeling every day.

Cross dressing guide

Learn how to cross dress and pass as a GG (genuine girl)

Parents of Transgender People / chilren  Index
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Advocates for youth

Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (GLBTQ) youth face tremendous difficulties growing up in a society where heterosexuality is often presented as the only acceptable orientation, and homosexuality is regarded as deviant. Research suggests that homophobia and heterosexism greatly contribute to higher rates of suicide, violence victimization, risk behavior for HIV infection, and substance abuse among GLBTQ youth as compared to their heterosexual peers.

Parent Guide: An Educational Booklet Top Rated Bookmark 

If You Are Concerned About Your Child's Gender Behaviors: "A Parent guide". The parent guide is a resource for parents who want information and advice on a child with gender-variant behaviors. It can be read online.


I believe that SOFFA stands for Significant Others, Family, Friends, and Allies. I'm an A for Ally. There have been many people working on trans family support and for t-inclusion in PFLAG. The history that I give you is only the part that I was involved in.

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Gender DynamiX South Africa: The first African organisation for the transgender communtity. Committed to provide resources, information and support to transgender people, their partners, family, employers and the public.