How To Transition at Work … And Survive |
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By Tina Livingstone
Transitioning at Work is probably one of the most awesome events that you will face. Whilst you will have spent years coming to terms with your identity you will also have become aware that the majority of people are unlikely to have had any direct experience of transsexual people, and that some may have had their views clouded, if not thoroughly tarnished, with misconceptions created by media hype. Since few of us approach the unknown steadily, when you are preparing to come out at work the potential for problems and prejudice can cause a lot of anxiety. This leaflet aims to provide you with strategies to make an awesome task achievable, and ease anxieties through examples of good practice and real experience. I hope that you will find it both enlightening and useful.
We will be looking at three main aspects of transition:
- Who to tell
- How to tell
- Survival strategies
But before we look at the nuts and bolts of the process lets make sure we build from firm foundations and approach the key factor first...