Health24 guest expert - Ongoing

MNet broadcasted in their 10th episode (20 July 2005) of Sex.Ect an episode called Justin/Justine.  Usually, after an episode on TV, for the week following, cover the same topic with more information on their website, and also a forum where web visitors can ask questions.  Gender DynamiX was contacted and asked to be Health24's special guest expert, which means first of all providing articles to be placed on the site, and then for a complete week, on a daily basis, answer questions and comments from the site's visitors.  Most of the people who asked questions in the forum, wanted to know about surgery options and costs, mainly for persons identifying as MTF.  It was actually also through the week's exposure that Gender DynamiX made contact with the Budding Roses, TSAfrica and some other South African web pages

In October 2005 the decision was made, between Health24 and Geneder DynamiX to continue with the forum on a permanent basis. More information on the Health24 website can be found at