The Shipping Mistake

The Shipping MistakeThe Shipping Mistake
Author: Natasha Anne Mocke
Publisher: Natasha Anne Mocke
ISBN: 9781411640405 (Hardcover)/9781411663558 (Paperback)
Format: Hardcover/Paperback
Publication Date: 2006
Pages: 216

Fraser was a hard-working, successful, loving and dedicated husband and father of two. He was doing well in his career and in his social life, but he always knew there was something about him that was a little different. He could not quite put his finger on it. One fateful morning he found himself presented with two options, breakfast or suicide. And so the journey to becoming Natasha began. Leaving behind a successful life and creating a new one filled with unknowns is difficult and scary, and not one to be taken lightly. Follow Fraser’s arduous journey to becoming Natasha and share in both the difficult, challenging and humorous happenings along the way up until, but not including, her surgery.


About the Author

Natasha Anne Mocke is a South African and lives in Johannesburg. She is a widely recognized expert in the information technology field in South Africa and has been a speaker at many large industry events. She has written for the trade press and has been interviewed by many newspapers and magazines for articles related to her field. She has also appeared on a major television news program in South Africa to discuss being transgender. Visit her website at


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