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Male Daughters, Female Husbands: Gender and Sex in an African Society PDF Print E-mail

Male Daughters, Female Husbands: Gender and Sex in an African Society
Author:  Ifi Amadiume
Publisher:  Zed Books
ISBN:  0862325943
Publishing Date:  December 1, 1987
Pages:  223
Format:  Hardcover

Reclaiming Genders: Transsexual Grammars at the Fin de Siecle PDF Print E-mail

Reclaiming Genders: Transsexual Grammars at the Fin de SiecleReclaiming Genders: transsexual Grammars at the Fin de Siecle
Author:  Kate More
Publisher:  Cassell
ISBN:  0304337765
Publishing Date:  1999
Pages:  309
Format:  Hardcover

An interdisciplinary work bringing together an international group of transgender writers, this text provides a collection of essays that are central to both academia and activism. Based on academic and "street" experiences, the book addresses the practical issues faced in changing the world view of gender while forcing theory a step forward from limitations of "queer", feminism and postmodernism. In a wide-ranging set of contributions, it addresses our engendered places now and what we can aim for in the future. It evaluates the mechanism we can use to galvanize both the micro theories of gender as a personal experience of oppression and the macro theories of gender as a site of social regulation. The collection aimes to take identity politics and reclaim identity for the "self".

Re-Thinking Sexualities in Africa PDF Print E-mail

Re-Thinking Sexualities in AfricaRe-Thinking Sexualities in Africa
Editor:  Signe Arnfred
Publisher:  Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
ISBN:  917106513X
Publishing Date:  2004
Pages:  276
Format:  Trade paperback

The volume brings together papers by African and Nordic/Scandinavian gender scholars and anthropologists, in attempts to investigate and critically discuss existing lines of thinking about sexuality in Africa, while at the same time creating space for alternative approaches. Issues of colonial and contemporary discourses on 'African sexuality' and on 'female genital mutilation' are being discussed, as well as issues of female agency and of feminists engagement with HIV/AIDS. The volume contributes to contemporary efforts of re-thinking sexualities in the light of feminist, queer and postcolonial theory.

Respect and Equality: Transsexual and Transgender Rights PDF Print E-mail

Respect and Equality: transsexual and Transgender Rights
Author:  Stephen Whittle
Publisher:  Cavendish Pub Ltd
ISBN:  1859417434
Publishing Date:  September 1, 2002
Pages:  308
Format:  Paperback

Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women and the Rest of Us PDF Print E-mail

Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women and the Rest of UsGender Outlaw: On Men, Women and the Rest of Us
Author:  Kate Bornstein
Publisher:  ROUTLEDGE
ISBN:  0415908973
Publishing Date:  1994
Pages:  245
Format:  Hardcover

Gender has been described as the battleground for the 90s. As we watch the emergence of 'gender-bending' in popular culture, the lines are being drawn and sides taken up. Somewhere above both sides stands Kate Bornstein, with a unique, funny and lucid voice. Gender Outlaw is the work of a woman who has been through some changes - a former heterosexual male and one-time Scientologist and IBM salesperson, now a lesbian writer and actress who makes regular rounds on the TV talk shows. In her book, Bornstein covers the 'mechanics' of her surgery; everything you've always wanted to know about gender (but were too confused to ask); the place and politics of the transgendered; and the questions of those who give the subject little thought. Kate Bornstein takes on various communities: gay, lesbian, straight, S/M and transgender, along with the 'society at large'. In her witty incisive observations is the foundation of a radical new politics of sexuality and gender. The book also includes Bornstein's play, Hidden: A Gender . Gender Outlaw is an ideal response to the belief that everyone talks about gender, but no one does anything about it. Kate Bornstein has taken (dramatic) steps, and invites the reader along for the trip.

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