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Radio Talk
RT Outspoken Podcast - Dedicated to David Kato PDF Print E-mail
Dear Friends

Herewith the link to the podcast, for those who could not tune in, of last night, Monday, 31 January 2011, with reference to the Radio Today Outspoken programme dedicated to David Kato

Transgender people on Cape Talk with Eusibius McKaiser - podcast PDF Print E-mail


Transgender people on Cape Talk with Eusibius McKaiser - podcast.

Late night chat on Cape Talk. Hear Revelation, Vanya, Robert and Carol chat about their lives, being transgender and mete out a bit of punishment for the disbelievers!

S.E.X. with Dr Eve on Good Hope FM PDF Print E-mail

Image14 November 2007
Gender DynamiX was invited to share the studio with Muhsin Hendriks from The Inner Circle, and the producers of Jihad for Love Sandi Dubowski and Parvez Sharma. In this interesting radio talk show we discussed issues of spirituality in the context of sexual orientation and Gender identity. Listeners were given the chance to phone in with their comments. True to the nature of Dr Eve’s regular show, this was a challenging and daring discussion.

Interview on Bush Radio PDF Print E-mail

Bush RadioBush Radio, a local Cape Town radio station invited Liesl Theron, CEO of Gender DynamiX to join them in their studio 10 January 2007 to talk about Gender DynamiX. The discussion was mainly about the work Gender DynamiX is doing, the Ngo itself and how it all started. There was also lots of discussion on the basic information of transgender and transsexual issues, and the situation in South Africa.

Click here to listen to the Radio Show

Radio Talk on 702 PDF Print E-mail

Image12 November 2006, 702 invited Robert Hamblin a well known South African photographer who is also the media liaison of Gender DynamiX and happens to be a transman himself to their studio for a talk show. During this interesting interview he explains a lot of his experiences as transman. In the later half of the talk show, listeners were also encouraged to phone in. Liesl Theron, CEO of Gender DynamiX and other South African transgender people phoned in.

Click here to listen to the Radio Show

Pillow Talk - 2006 PDF Print E-mail
Dr EveDr Marlene Wasserman, also known as Dr Eve, has a contract with SABC3 to broadcast a series of episodes about sexuality with a holistic approach. One episode will be on the topic of transgenderism and Gender DynamiX was invited to partake. Liesl Theron, CEO and founder of Gender DynamiX was interviewed, along with Robert Hamblin, Vice-chairperson of Gender DynamiX. Announcements will be made to notify people when this broadcast will take place.
Radio Talk on SAFM - July 2006 PDF Print E-mail

SAfmA half an hour timeslot was given to Gender DynamiX to create awareness. It was a very positive interview, with SAFM broadcasting nationally. Listeners could call in, and there were only good responses and comments!

Radio talk on S.E.X. at Good Hope FM - Aug 2005 PDF Print E-mail

Image3 August, Gender DynamiX was invited by Dr Eve, to be one of the guests on her radio talk show, called S.E.X. on Good Hope FM.  Along with two other people we discussed the diverse topic of transgenderism.  One of the two people who joined, is a person who defines as a FTM and who is a T - Junction member. The other person fully embraces both the male and female genders within.  Part of the conversation was around the work of Gender DynamiX, and the other two people also had a chance to describe what they experience and are dealing with.  Dr Eve explained sexuality and thereafter there was time made for listeners to phone in and ask questions.  Some of the listeners directed questions to a specific guest, who then answered the question; alternatively, Dr Eve or I could answer and explain.  The aim of the talk was in general to provide information to  listeners, and also to create awareness.  This type of radio talk show and networking will be an ongoing project of Gender DynamiX.  More info about Dr Eve can be found at www.dreve.co.za


Audio Interview - Oct 2005 PDF Print E-mail

Journalism students who studied at the University of Cape Town, being in their final year of journalism, and specialising in radio talks needed to interview some people for a practical. They decided to interview a perrson who studied with them on campus, who identifies as FTM. They also decided to include Dr Marlene Wasserman to give information from the professional point of view, and Liesl Theron, founder of Gender DynamiX. This interview was given to Gender DynamiX on disc and is currently used for training material.




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Gender DynamiX South Africa: The first African organisation solely for the transgender communtity. Committed to provide resources, information and support to transgender people, their partners, family, employers and the public.
