Gender DynamiX and Good Hope Metropolitan Community Church (GHMCC) will be hosting an exciting seminar, for the second time – by popular demand!
This seminar will provide people with an understanding of different and diverse gender expressions, to allow attendants to think outside the box. This will open up communication channels about topics not often discussed. It will give people the opportunity to interact with each other in a whole different way, by breaking the walls of pre-conceived ideas.
Topics such as the following will be covered:
- Gender Systems – in the view of a transman
- My journey as a transwoman”
- Challenges faced by intersex persons
- Bending Gender to the extreme!
- An overview from a professional’s point of view
Saturday, 18 November 2006
09h00 to register, starting 09h30 (until 16h30)
Zonnebloem College Chapel Hall, Cambridge St, Zonnebloem.
Fee structure:
- GHMCC, Gender DynamiX members, Triangle transgender group members and students: R30
- Early registration fee: R70.To qualify for this fee, you have to register before 16 November.
- All other registration fees: R100
Limited amount of scholarships available.
Includes light lunch and tea breaks!
Contact and registration details:
Liesl Theron, Gender DynamiX
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
, Tel. 083 3207691