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The Management Committee of Gender DynamiX consists of

Simone Heradien (Chairperson)

Simone commenced with active community engagement during the period of liberation and served on the executive committees of political liberation structures. As Executive Member of Women Against Violence, an association founded at that time in 1984 in response to three successive female murders in the immediate area, she assisted in conscientising protective structures, such as the South African Police Services. Her most significant achievement within the milieu of transgender issues was the successful presentations of submissions as part of the Cape transsexual Support Group, which resulted in the promulgation of the amendment of Act 49 of 2003, vs. the The Alteration of Sex Description and Sex Status Bill 37 of 2003, which was eventually approved and signed into law by former President Thabo Mbeki. She also serves on the South African National Commission to UNESCO, a body which oversees structures and formulates recommendations on UNESCO draft resolutions and policies for submission to the National Minister of Education, as South Africa’s official delegate to UNESCO.

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Zama Xulu (Vice Chairperson)

UZama Xulu ungowokugcina ebantwaneni baka Mnumzane no Nkosikazi Xulu. Wazalwa wakhulela eMgungundlovu, wafunda ezikoleni ezahlukene kwiProvinsi yakwaZulu Natali wagcina ngokuphothula umatikul’ etsheni eVryheid Comprehensive High School. Ufunde eNatal Technikon nokuyilapho eqede khona iNational Diploma ne Bachelor of Technology Degree kwi Civil Engineering. Emva kweminyaka emihlanu esebenza eMgundundlovu, wabe esethuthela eTshwane (ePitoli) lapho esebenzele khona amakhonsalithenti ahlukene khona eTshwane (ePitoli) naseGoli ebe futhi eqhubeka nezifundo zakhe kwiUnivesithi yaseWitwatersrand. Kulapho eqede khonake i Post Graduate Diploma kwiCivil Engineering egxile kwi Water ne Hydraulics Engineering, nokuyilapho enza khona iMsc kuyo iCivil Engineering. UZama ungowesilisa owuthanda kakhulu umndeni nomsebenzi wakhe, futhi onesifiso sokuvula amehlo abantu ngezobulili.

English Version of Zama's Bio

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Tina Sandra West (Secretary)

(Bio to follow shortly)

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Margie Lagerwall (Treasurer)

After matriculating Margie’s working career started at a large retail store, where she gained a thorough knowledge of retail operations, moving through the ranks for two years. When she left, she held the position of Training Officer. After a while as a credit controller, and obtaining her Certified Bookkeeper’s Diploma, Margie started MGL Admin Services in 1986, an Accounting Practice aimed at small to medium enterprises. Ready for a new challenge, Margie has recently started Objective Consulting as a division of MGL, where she will assist businesses in identifying and correcting problem areas.Assisting people is Margie’s passion, and she is currently studying towards qualifying as a Life Coach.

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Vicky Gaza (incoming Treasurer)

(Bio to follow shortly)

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Azania Maseko

(Bio to follow shortly)

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Mzikazi Nduna

Lecturer and researcher, Discipline of Psychology, University of Witwatersrand.

UMzikazi Nduna waqala ukuba nomdla kumsebenzi ongempilo yokuzala nobudlelwane nakwimiba yophuhliso ngokwesini ngelixa esasebenza efundisa kwiphondo laseMpumakoloni. Wasebenzela umbutho i-Planned Parenthood Association of South Africa (PPASA) njengomphathi we Project eyayifundisa ikwaphuhlisa umsebenzi wokulwa ukusuleleka nokwanda kweHIV/AIDS iminyaka eminizi. Wasuka ke apho waya kusebenza e-Medical Research Council apho afake igalelo elikhulu kakhulu ingakumbi ekufundiseni, nakuphando lokuqinisekisa ukuba ziziphi na iindlela zokukhusela iHIV ngokuguqula izimo zokuziphatha ezisebenzayo. Ungumntu onomdla kakhulu kwimiba edibene nokuqaqambisa ubuni kubantu abatsha.

UMzikazi uthabathele kuye wagqiba uphenyo ngokuyamaniswa kwe VCT nee Nkonzo zokucwangcisa eziklinikhini e North West phantsi kombutho i-Population Council ngaphambi kokuba abe yi-Lecturer kwizifundo ze Psychology kwiDyunivesithi yase-Wits apho axelenga khona ngoku. Umsebenzi wakhe uqaqambe kakhulu kwihleo lePsychology elifunda ngeMpilo nokuHlalelana kakuhle kweentlobo-ngeentlobo zabantu. U-Mzi ufunde amaphepha amanzini kwiiNkomfa ezilapha eMzantsi nangaphandle, ubhalile ekunye noogxa bakhe base-MRC amaphepha apapashwe kwiincwadi ze-science.

UMzi ulilungu le South African AIDS Consortium, ukwasebenzisana ne-Gender & Health Research Group yaseMRC, ulilungu eliphosa iso kwi- Men As Partners (MAP) yase-EngenderHealth’s exhaswa Canadian AID Agency ukwayiyo ne-Fellow ye-Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Centre.

English version of Mzikazi's bio

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Themba Nkosi

Themba ngewekudzabuka eSoweto elokishi lelibitwa kutsi yi-Pimville. Utalwa ngu nina Dianha (la-Morodi) Nkosi bene yise Themba Jabulani (Ncuze'phulula) Nkosi. Eluhleni lwebantfwana lwalababili, Themba wesine kulabasihlanu.

Kusukela asemncane Themba wayevele atiphatsisa kwemuntfu wesilisa. Nobe bekafundza esikolweni lesikhulu sabesifazane kuphela, akumange kwawenta umehluko loko kulendlela abetiphetse ngayo nalebekaticabanga ngayo.

Loku kwakubanga tincabano letatihlala tisuka njalo emkhatsini wakhe Themba kunye nebaphatsi besikole lesikhulu. Imisusa yaletotincabano ngiyo yona lendzaba yalendlela labekatiphatsa ngayo Themba nangalendlela lafuna kuphatfwa nekwemukelwa ngayo njenga Themba.

Ekucedzeni libanga lekugcina lesikolwa lesikhulu, Themba watfola ematoho lapha nalaphayi lokungayiphi nje. Ute watitfola asebentela enkompolo lenkhulu yemushwalense lebitwa kutsi yi-Mutual & Federal lapho bekabitwa ngekutsi pheceleti yi-specialised underwriter. Khona lapho wachubeka ngelisasasa ngaloludzaba lwakhe lwekutsi yena ungu-Themba ngalokunjalo ubheke kutsi bantfu bakwemukele loko futsi bamuphatse njenga Themba.

Kubonakele kutsi umphakatsi awukatimiseli kucondzisisa loludzaba futsi usemukele simo sa Themba, nemetamo yakhe yekutsi alandzele tindlela letibekiwe kute acatulule loludzaba yaba nhlanga timuka nemoya. Wahlangana netingcinamba lebetingetukwemandla akhe. Kungulapho Themba wabona kutsi ayikho lenkhukhu akachitse lamanti wabonga e-Mutual & Federal wayekela kanjalo kulenkopolo.

Ngekuyekela e-Mutual & Federal kwacaca kutsi live linye ngetjani ngako ncono asungule libhizimisi lelincane atotfola bonsumbulwane bekutiphilisa. Lelo bhizimisi lalisungula lisachuba nalomuhla kantsi liphetfwe nguye yena Themba kanye nemlingani wakhe lophindze abe singani sakhe.

Libito lalelobhizimisi kutsiwa yi-Emlanjeni Tradings. Ibhizimisi yona ibukete kubhaliswa ngekwetemtsetfo timotolo kanye nekutfolakala kwemalayisense ato tona timotolo. Kute tintfo tibelula phindze nekutsi Themba uwukhonte kakhulu umndeni, libhizimisi likanekise khona ekhaya lapho ahlala khona.

Tifiso takhe tifaka ekhatsi kutsi ente taba tekutsi lidlondlobale lelibhizimisi phindzi futsi asungule lelihambelana nekutsengisa umshwalense wetesikhashana.

Themba uhambe wadzimate wabona kutsi kunesidzingo lesikhulu sekufundzisa ngetebulili lobungakavami, emphakatsini ikakhulu emsebentini. Phindze nekutsi bantfu labakulesimo bamukeleke njengencenye yato tonkhe tisebenti bangabandlululwa.

Themba ulangatelela kutsi abengulomuntfu lafisisa kubanguye ngalokuphelele.

English version of Themba's Bio

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Athena Satomi

Athena was born in District Six and her family later moved to Woodstock. She has lived and worked abroad, and currently resides in Sybrand Park with her two children.

Her life and work experience has been gained in the public and private sector in mainly in Communications, Media Campaigns, Fundraising and Corporate Social Investment.

She has worked in the magazine industry for a number of years and also as a freelance journalist. Ploughing back into communities is her family ethos, thanks to her parents who ensured social awareness and consciousness from a young age. Fundraising for worthy causes was therefore a natural progression and includes the development of business plans and project management in the non-profit sector. She has been involved in various empowerment campaigns for women including the Prevention of Violence Against Women & Children.
Athena has also been the Vice Chair of Art South Art Initiative (ASAI) and was a founder member of Cape WOW Festival, the first organisation to celebrate women in the Western Cape.

She enjoys reading, swimming and walking.

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Arnaud de Villiers

(Bio to follow shortly)

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Gender DynamiX South Africa: The first African organisation solely for the transgender communtity. Committed to provide resources, information and support to transgender people, their partners, family, employers and the public.
