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Queer Africa by LaVon Rice PDF Print E-mail

ColorLines,  a national US publication on race and politics published in their Issue #38, May/June 2007, the following article quoting amongst others Liesl Theron from Gender DynamiX. 

On the night of September 28, 2004, the most prominent lesbian activist in Sierra Leone was working alone at the offices of the Sierra Leone Lesbian and Gay Association in Freetown. Fanny Ann Eddy, the group’s founder, had addressed the U.N. Commission on Human Rights in Geneva only months before, calling for the commission to “break the silence” that LGBT Africans endure for fear of their lives. On that late September evening, Eddy would lose her life, allegedly at the hands of Emmanuel Sankoh, a janitor who Eddy had fired a week before. She was raped, stabbed, and her neck was broken. It is still not clear whether homophobia, vengeance, or money was the motivation behind the crime. What is clear is that Eddy’s brutal killing sent shock waves through African LGBT communities within the continent and beyond.


Art frees your words PDF Print E-mail

Robert Hamblin addresses guests with the aid of an interpreter for the deaf, Thelma Kotze.Joburg: For most people, gender and sex means one and the same thing. But try and imagine for just a moment, being a male in a female body. Or vice versa. It's an incredibly difficult concept to understand and has social taboos attached to it that can prove fatal. Broadly speaking, transgender people are individuals whose gender expression or Gender identity differs from societal expectations based on the physical gender they were born into.

Liesl Theron receives LGBTI Activism Awards PDF Print E-mail
Dream the Impossible Dream (DID) hosted the second annual LGBTI Activism Awards dinner on the 28 September in Braamfontein Johannesburg. The awards are supported by organisations such as OUT LGBTI Wellness, Behind the Mask and the Gay and Lesbian Archives (GALA).
Gender, a State of Mind PDF Print E-mail

Mail and Guardian, 21 July 2006

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south africas transsexuals are living without identidy PDF Print E-mail

Behind The Mask (www.mask.org.za), 17 July 2006

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south africas considered better place for africa's transgendered PDF Print E-mail

Behind The Mask (www.mask.org.za), 13 July 2006

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Gender DynamiX South Africa: The first African organisation solely for the transgender communtity. Committed to provide resources, information and support to transgender people, their partners, family, employers and the public.