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A Jihad for Love
USA/United Kingdom/France/Germany/Australia 2007 56min
Dir: Parvez Sharma
Spanning the world, from France to India, Morrocco to Iran, Cape Town to Cairo, this controversial and enlightening documentary presents the painful, often life-threatening, incongruence that devout Muslims find between the conventional interpretation of the Qu’ran and their homosexuality.
Shariah Law stipulates that homosexuality is an offence, punishable by death. Whether they are four Iranian refugees waiting in limbo for a life where they are free to express their sexual orientation, a lesbian couple fraught with guilt, an ex-iman aching to see his family and serve his community, or an exile fitting into a new community, each devotee faces their own personal Jihad, or challenge, with courage, poise, frustration and despair.
Compassionately filmed over six years under secretive and dangerous circumstances, the filmmaker presents emotional and intimate stories from staunch, every day Muslims who search for faith and understanding, yet find it difficult to reconcile being a ‘perfect’ creation of Allah and still being rejected by their community.
Director Parvez Sharma and Producer Sandi DuBowski are guests of the Festival.
Please note the second screening of a Jihad for Love in JHB is on a Monday, 12 November, “outside” of the Festival. It is not listed on the programme schedule – Sharma and DuBowski will attend.
JHB Wed 7 / 8.45pm Mon 12 / 8.30pm + guests
CT Wed 14 / 9pm + guests Sat 17 / 8pm + guests